Tic@Tide is an unconventional time device based on the tidal forces and wave patterns of the ocean. It is a reminder to follow the pace of nature and to enjoy life.

The clock is tied to a local buoy which collects real-time data about tide height and wave frequency. This clock visualizes tide height through the color and intensity of the light. The stronger and more saturated the blue color, the higher the tide. The movement of the light across a series of bent acrylic plates represent the frequency and velocity of waves at the time.

Some of the themes that were explored through this concept included:

  • short-term vs long-term engagement (representation of waves vs tides)
  • representation of different “emotional” states of the ocean (tranquility of low-tide vs violence of high-tide)
  • natural vs artificial rhythms (tide time vs numerical time)

This prototype was built with an Arduino Nano and a NeoPixel matrix over the course of two days during the Connected Objects course. Tidal data was provided by the NOAA.gov api through on-board Wi-Fi and a PubNub server.